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How to install a standalone Solr server in SAP Hybris?

In this post, you will learn how to install and configure a standalone Solr server in a way that can be used in SAP Hybris Commerce. Prerequestion solrserver  extension should be there in your  localextensions.xml  file Hybris OOTB Solr configuration background The default configuration is as follows: solrserver . instances . default . autostart = true solrserver . instances . default . mode = standalone solrserver . instances . default . hostname = localhost solrserver . instances . default . port = 8983 solrserver . instances . default . memory = 512m Here, you can see  autostart=true  which tell Solr server to start and stop together with the Hybris platform. In another word, we can say default configuration ensures that a standalone Solr server is configured, started and stopped together with the platform. Setup external Standalone Server As we have seen, OOTB (post hybris v5.5) solr server is already configured as standalone server...